Have you marked your calendar for Sunday, October 14th? This will be our first meeting of the 2018-19 season and we hope you can join us.
The meeting will be held in the auditorium on the main level of the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum. It begins at 2:00 PM and is open to the public free of charge.
We will have a new meeting format this year. Refreshments will be served at the beginning of the meeting, then the guest speaker, then our Shell Club business meeting, and finally door prizes will be given away at the very end of the meeting.
Our first speaker of the season is Dr. José Leal, Science Director and Curator at The Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum. His presentation is titled, “Cool Gulf of Mexico Mollusks” with highlights of the recent cruise sponsored by Greg Herbert from the University of South Florida to the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Shell Museum Science Director Dr. José H.Leal and Marine Biologist Rebecca Mensch participated in the cruise. Dr. Leal’s presentation will showcase rare mollusks and shells collected during the cruise and incorporated into the University’s collection.
See you on Sunday Oct 14th for a fun and informative meeting to kick off the 2018-19 season!
🐚🐚🐚💖Fantastic Job Connie on our New Club Website! You Are Amazing! It’s Gorgeous!
Cheers to You!
Thanks, Kelle! I’d love to feature some of your great shell photos sometime.