The Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club was formed to exchange information in the field of conchology and malacology, to foster public education and intelligent conservation, and to encourage and support studies and research activities in those fields.
2019 Conchologists of America Convention
Contributed by Joyce Matthys, Kelle Covington, Diane Thomas…
A big Shell Club thank you to the many club members who volunteered long hours to help out at the Conchologists of America (COA) convention this summer. The event was well attended, fun, and another great way to share our beautiful islands with shell and mollusk lovers from all over.
Everyone enjoyed the informative talks, auctions, happy receptions, reconnecting with friends, field trips, the bourse (shell market), and many more activities.
Shell Club members attending the June 2019 COA convention on Captiva Island
There were 49 members of the Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club that attended COA.
Many of these members volunteered to help transport people to the field trips, sold raffle tickets, worked in the silent auction, worked at the club table and helped with the Parade of Snails.
Sanibel Captiva Shell Club members visiting and enjoying some refreshments in between events. A sneak preview of the Shell Bourse which took place at the end of the convention. Shell dealers from around the world come to share and sell their specimen shells. You will see shells you’ve never experienced before.Sanibel Captiva Shell Club members participated in the Live Auction to bid on specimen seashells. Here are 3 Club members, complete with bidding paddles! One of the shells sold for $2,000. Another view of The Shell Bourse. There are so many magnificent shells you can purchase or just ogle at in awe. On the way to Cayo Costa – one of the several field trips you can partake in before the Convention began. Our Sanibel Captiva Shell Club President and a club member with the Artwork honoring R. Tucker Abbott by Mary Ellen Akers.