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“Big 5” Sanibel Shells on Club’s Zoom Holiday Party

On December 13, 2020, over thirty club members attended our holiday party on Zoom.  Clair Beckmann, in cephalopod attire, was the emcee for the event which included two fun games.  More than 25 members shared their experience of finding (or not finding) the Sanibel Big Five: Junonia, Scotch Bonnet, Lion’s Paw, Alphabet Cone and Wentletrap.  

See the highlights from the holiday party meeting here:

Watch YOUR shell and tell on Sanibel’s BIG 5 sea shells.

And it can also be viewed on our YouTube channel here or on our Club’s meeting webpage here.

In addition to the Zoom holiday party video of the meeting, we’ve added crisp pictures of the shells that were a bit fuzzy during the meeting, and we’ve added two additional videos that were submitted to the club’s DropBox.  So even if you attended, you will enjoy seeing more about these great finds.  Our thanks to everyone who shared a story and made this a very memorable holiday gathering.

If you were not able to attend the November and December meetings, links to videos of the presentations by Dr. José Leal of the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum and Leah Reidenbach of SCCF are also available on our Meetings webpage.

submitted by Phyllis Sharp