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Countdown to the Virtual Shell Show

“The Shell Show Must Go On” is the motto for Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club as we prepare to host the FREE Virtual 2021 Sanibel Shell Show on March 5 & 6 from 12pm to 3pm EST on our Club’s YouTube Channel.  The schedule for the 2-day video program will be revealed before the show right here on our club website and will include the direct links to the YouTube movies for both days.

Active members of our Shell Club will also receive a special issue of the Junonia and an email with all the information, video schedule, and YouTube links. Join now so you don’t miss a thing!

We’ll be featuring over 35 original videos from shell artists, museums, institutions, universities, and the Sanibel Shell Club itself.  Highlights include beach and shell videos like the overview of the five Sanibel public beaches with aerial drone footage and which shells you may find at each beach, an underwater view of snorkeling Sanibel, what Sanibel beaches look like after a storm, beach etiquette, amazing footage of the live mollusks that make those beautiful shells, what you’ll find when there are “no” shells on the beach, and how to clean Sand Dollars, Urchins, and Sea Stars. 

Just for fun, viewers will learn how to create several DIY shell projects, see glimpses of amazing shell art by the artists themselves, hear the story behind painted Sanibel Shells, and get ideas from 101 ways to display shells.  Research videos will present the science behind estimating the lifespan of Horse Conchs, ongoing investigations to improve our ocean’s water quality, research to survey populations of deep-water mollusks like Junonias, and a virtual fossil field trip to collect Pleistocene shells.  

Other videos explain the history of the Sanibel Shell Show and what a “normal” year at the Shell Show looks like, behind-the-scenes tours of two museums and their amazing collections and aquaria, and everything you wanted to know about Sanibel’s Sand Dollars.

Interactive portions of the Virtual Show will ask viewers to vote for the Best Shell photo from finalists selected from over 300 photos from 15 countries. 

Frequent door prize drawings will be conducted from viewers who post a comment on YouTube, the club website or via email to during the airing of the show. You won’t want to miss it!


Call Clair Beckmann, 303-319-2435 or email with questions.

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