The March 14, 2021 meeting of the Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club will begin via Zoom at 2:00 PM EDT. That is the first day of Daylight Savings Time so remember to adjust your clocks.
Who doesn’t love the Florida state shell? Horse Conchs are a favorite with shell collectors because of their incredible size range from tiny orange juveniles to those massive barnacle-encrusted adults. Here’s your chance to learn so much more about them.

Morgan Tomlin will be our speaker for our virtual monthly meeting. She is an undergraduate student at University of South Florida working with Dr. Greg Herbert, and is a Sanibel Shell Club 2019 grantee. Morgan will update us on their research on the fascinating life history traits of the Florida Horse Conch, including how rapidly they reach reproductive maturity and how long they live and reproduce. Populations in west Florida are declining and this study will help determine what level of commercial harvest is sustainable.