Live Mollusk Count 2025
The Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club is partnering with the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum for a Live Mollusk Count on January 12, and we hope you can join us! Participants will be counting and identifying live mollusks on the beaches of Sanibel in groups of two or more. The event will begin at around sunrise and last for two hours. Afterwards, we’ll meet at the Shell Museum for a coffee and pastries social function.
Sanibel Shell Club Members ONLY are allowed to sign up through December 1. On December 2, we will allow the public to sign up if there are any spaces not filled. To sign up, all you need to do is email the Sanibel Shell Club at: info@sanibelshellclub.com and put “Live Mollusk Count” in the subject line. Please give us your name, email address, and phone number and indicate if you have an “A” or “B” Sanibel parking sticker, a Lee County parking sticker, a handicapped sign or no sticker at all. Parking stickers are not required to participate in this event. After you sign up, you will receive an email later in the fall showing the sections of Sanibel that need to be covered, and then you can give us your first, second, and third choice of sections.
The Live Mollusk Count will be the first Sanibel Shell Club activity of 2025, so you won’t want to miss it. Be sure to sign up now!The Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club is partnering with the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum and Aquarium for a Live Mollusk Count on January 13, 2024. There is still room for participants if you’d like to get involved.