Do you have shells needing a new home that you’d like to donate?

The Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club is interested in your duplicate shells or specimen collections that are looking for a new home.
We can use all types of shells, marine or land, as well as other Marine Life collections.
- Shell collections
- Specimen shells
- Clean, unbroken local shells, all sizes
- Craft shells
- Sailors’ Valentines
- Wood or Plexiglass storage cases for shell exhibits
We appreciate being considered for your shell donations.
Unfortunately, we cannot accept shells which have been varnished or hot glued.
Your donated items will be used to generate income to support the Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club’s Grants Program that focuses on education and marine research. We also share them with area museums for educating local children.
As a 501c(3) organization, all donations to our club may qualify for a tax write-off. When we receive your donation, we provide you with a letter which describes the items, and which may be used when filing your taxes. While we cannot provide a value, donations up to $5,000 do not require a written appraisal. Since tax laws change regularly, we recommend that you check with your tax accountant before relying on any information provided here.
If you have items to donate or have any questions, please email us at