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Shell Club Meeting October 10, 2021

The 2021-22 Sanibel Shell Club season will officially begin on October 10 with our first monthly meeting occurring virtually on Zoom and not in person at the Community House. All active Club members were emailed a link to the Zoom meeting. If you did not receive yours or have questions, contact us at

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“Cool Florida Shells” 

The October 10, 2021 Shell Club meeting will begin at 2pm EDT via Zoom. After discussing club business and upcoming events, the featured speaker will be José H. Leal, Ph.D., Science Director & Curator, Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum, giving a presentation called Cool Florida Shells

In this presentation, Dr. Leal will introduce a selection of species of mollusks from the coasts of Florida and the Florida Keys. Florida has the longest marine coastline of the contiguous United States, including diverse ecosystems such as estuaries, mangroves, and coral reefs.

In the photo, Dr. Leal is shown holding an Epitonium – a genus of small predatory marine sea snail from the Epitoniidae family, the wentletraps.  Photo credit to News-Press photographer Andrew West

The talk is based on recent endeavors that allowed for the National Shell Museum to take a deeper look at the marine mollusks from the coast of the Sunshine State. The Digital Imaging Project (funded by Institute of Museum and Library Services), and the Eastern Seaboard Mollusks (funded by the National Science Foundation), are empowering the Museum to refine the data and improve on the accessibility of collection records of Florida mollusks. 

During the Sanibel Shell Show, Jose Leal identified tiny shells under a microscope while Phyllis Sharp recorded their names. Photo: Brian Kahn

Monthly Shell Club Meetings 

Our Sanibel Shell Club meetings are held monthly on the 2nd Sunday of each month (October through April) from 2:00 to 3:00 pm Eastern Time.

The meetings will be virtual via Zoom until further notice.